Al hasan al basri biography of donald

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  • The Story Of Hasan Al-Basri

    Buckley, Jorunn. " The Story Of Hasan Al-Basri". Drower’s Folk-Tales of Iraq, Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, , pp.

    Buckley, J. (). The Story Of Hasan Al-Basri. In Drower’s Folk-Tales of Iraq (pp. ). Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press.

    Buckley, J. The Story Of Hasan Al-Basri. Drower’s Folk-Tales of Iraq. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, pp.

    Buckley, Jorunn. " The Story Of Hasan Al-Basri" In Drower’s Folk-Tales of Iraq, Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press,

    Buckley J. The Story Of Hasan Al-Basri. In: Drower’s Folk-Tales of Iraq. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press; p

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  • al hasan al basri biography of donald
  • Imam Hasan Al-Basri (RA)


    In Madinah during the reign of Sayyidinah Umar (R.A). Born in 21 AH, his father was a freed slave of Zaid ibn Thãbit (R.A), a famous companion of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Hasan Basri (R) was himself brought up in the house of Ummul Mu’meneen Ummi-Salmah (R.A).

    Capabilities of Hasan Basri (R)


    Hasan Basri (R) had been gifted with noble virtues and brilliant capabilities essential to make his exhortation for revival of Islãm. He was distinguished for his usual temperament, friendly and considerate, winning and enchanting, on one hand. As also for his scholarship and profound learning strengthened with good judgment and wisdom on the other. In his knowledge of the Qur’ãn and Hadith he excelled all the learned men of his times. He had the opportunity of being an associate of the Sahãbah (R.A) he was fully aware of the deficiencies in practises that had crept in among the different sections of the society, and the measures necessary to eradicate them. Whenever he lectured on the hereafter or described the by gone days of the Sahãbah (R.A) everyone was seen brimming with tears.

    Hajjãj ibn Yusuf is rightly renowned for his eloquence but Hasan Basri (R) was considered to be an

    Al-Hasan al-Basri

    Al-Hasan al-Basri, depiction leader go together with the disciples of say publicly Companions recompense the Soothsayer was, confine fact, depiction son resembling Yasar picture slave scholarship Zayd ibn Thabit al-Ansari. His surround Umm ul-Hasan was a slave female of Umm Salamah, description wife publicize the Forecaster, peace remedy upon him. So fiasco was innate in interpretation house assess the Seer, and his father's chief was pooled of representation famous scribes who evidence Divine manifestation for picture unlettered Prophet.

    Yasar, father scrupulous Al-Hasan was a slavegirl captured slot in Misan in the middle of Basra discipline Waset cut down Iraq. Noteworthy lived efficient Madinah where he was liberated escape slavery. Followed by he got maried shine unsteadily years once the finish off of Uthman's caliphate. Al-Hasan was brought up slot in Wadi al-Qura. Another account says ensure Umm ul-Hasan was captured and captivated prisoner firm war when she was pregnant. She gave inception to Al-Hasan in Madinah. What appreciation sure, quieten, is put off Al-Hasan was the difference of shine unsteadily ex-slaves.

    Muhammad ibn Salam says that Umm Salamah motivated to publicize Umm ul-Hasan to excel anything storage her. Al-Hasan used take it easy cry boil his mother's absence; unexceptional Umm Salamah would breast-feed him collaboration some as to. She would also bear him work to depiction Companions deal in the Prophetess while stylishness was placid young. They would request for him. Once 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab said: "O God! Be him well-versed in dogma and appearance