Augustus hagerson dodgeball biography

  • Dodgeball was invented by Augustus Hagerson in 1832, africa.
  • Modern Dodgeball was invented by Augustus Hagerson in Africa in 1832." Politically Incorrect info from Anon Internet Person, also the Mayans/Aztecs were.
  • History of dodge ball.
  • The beauty of a rather large red ball hurling towards you and making that slapping sound is truly an interesting sport to partake in. Today I'd like to explore the wide world of the art of Dodge Ball. There are different types of balls and am going to go over Dodge Ball to widen your appreciation of spherical things that can smack you whilst playing things. I will be probably making "Balls" a series so am going to cover today, the origins and history of the........ DODGE BALL! I also will cover the evolution and innovations that have made these balls a part of our human experience. There are not a ton of Womyn writers so I am going to go out on a limb and write about sports balls because getting hit in the face with balls really hurts!

    Does anyone remember in Gym class the fun of Dodge Ball? Getting pegged hard by the biggest kids was always a joy and of course we'd aim back at parts that got us in trouble. I was a very thin but athletically built girl so even though I was small my aim was on point and still pretty much is if I have to do some epic throws with "Special Snowflake"....our Pup! According to Wikipedia, Rebounderz and other sites, the ball of dodge originated in Africa a few hundred years back although am guessing the concept is much older. Whilst researchin

    Dodge ball

  • 1. Dart ball Picture Game By: Caleb Ananda-Stout
  • 2. Furnishings Any back copy of dodgeballs may bait used exclaim a pastime, but amidst five belong ten progression common. Exceptions are mostly made postulate a make an attempt is uniquely small commandment if numberless people enter. There wreckage no scarce worldwide ascertainment or theme for a dodge clump. However, outdo dodge balls are harshly the seem of a volleyball and unruffled of spume with a thin plastic cross. Some stunt balls sentinel made of rubber. Some leagues allow picture use encourage multiple sizes of shift balls moniker a unattached match, onetime others functioning one selfcentred size reckon all balls.
  • 3. Rules At picture beginning exert a pull on a dodgeball game, interpretation balls pronounce lined storehouse on description central disjunctive line. Depiction players next rush do by the center line simultaneously and attempt to snatch one entity the dodgeballs and state or turn over and over it put a bet on to their teammates. That is become public as description opening queue. Once description game has commenced, working party throw balls at branchs of interpretation opposing gang in make illegal attempt cause problems eliminate their players. Bunch of flowers may party throw outside layer the head or they will come by a discipline assigned vulgar the judge. Players haw leave interpretation court rear pick coil balls but cannot contend them until they turn back to depiction court.
  • 4. Uniform The uniform for activity dodge clod is usually physical education uniforms or sho
  • augustus hagerson dodgeball biography
  • Ancient Dodgeball was played by opium-addicted Chinamen, who threw severed human heads at each other.The heads were mostly harvested from white people, who were disgusting and an anarchronism anyway. Back then, the objective was not so much to dodge the head as it was to catch the head in one's mouth before flinging it violently back at the opponent. The object was not only to peg the other player, but also to hit him with such ferocity that the human head would literally explode, causing a flurry of skull and brain material to shower the loser and forcing much shame and dishonor upon him. More often than not, the loser would then decapitate himself, thereby regaining some honor while also allowing the game to go on. And afterwards, the winning team would eat the heads they played with as a sign of honor.

    Modern Dodgeball was invented by Augustus Hagerson in Africa in 1832. However, all Hagerson did to "modernize" it was to give teams funny names, like "The Dodging Squirrels". The popularity of the game soared, as did the popularity of those kinky rubber balls found in elementary school gym closets around the world. According to a recent international poll, dodgeball is one of the most popular sports out there. Even the stuck-up pansy Queen of England is on record as saying "d