Augustus hagerson dodgeball biography
The beauty of a rather large red ball hurling towards you and making that slapping sound is truly an interesting sport to partake in. Today I'd like to explore the wide world of the art of Dodge Ball. There are different types of balls and am going to go over Dodge Ball to widen your appreciation of spherical things that can smack you whilst playing things. I will be probably making "Balls" a series so am going to cover today, the origins and history of the........ DODGE BALL! I also will cover the evolution and innovations that have made these balls a part of our human experience. There are not a ton of Womyn writers so I am going to go out on a limb and write about sports balls because getting hit in the face with balls really hurts!
Does anyone remember in Gym class the fun of Dodge Ball? Getting pegged hard by the biggest kids was always a joy and of course we'd aim back at parts that got us in trouble. I was a very thin but athletically built girl so even though I was small my aim was on point and still pretty much is if I have to do some epic throws with "Special Snowflake"....our Pup! According to Wikipedia, Rebounderz and other sites, the ball of dodge originated in Africa a few hundred years back although am guessing the concept is much older. Whilst researchin
Dodge ball
Modern Dodgeball was invented by Augustus Hagerson in Africa in 1832. However, all Hagerson did to "modernize" it was to give teams funny names, like "The Dodging Squirrels". The popularity of the game soared, as did the popularity of those kinky rubber balls found in elementary school gym closets around the world. According to a recent international poll, dodgeball is one of the most popular sports out there. Even the stuck-up pansy Queen of England is on record as saying "d