Biography of amenhotep iv

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  • How did akhenaten die
  • King Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)

    King Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV was the great Egyptian pharaoh for the 18th dynasty for 17 years and died in 1336 B.C. The previous name of Akhenaten was King Amenhotep IV before the fifth year of his reign and he was also known as Akhenaton. Here, you will find everything about the history of King Akhenaten including:

    His main achievement was abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism. He introduced worship centered on the Aten. He tried to change the traditional religion of Egypt but it seems that it didn’t work as, after his death, most of his statues have been destroyed moreover, his name was removed from the kings’ list and his people restore the traditional old religion again.

    Amenhotep IV Early Life

    Amenhotep III was the father of Akhenaten from his wife Tiye. Akhenaten shared power with his father for about 8 years. He reached the throne in Thebes, where he starting his building project. He started with the temple of Amun-Re, where he decorated the southern entrance with scenes of his worshiping Re-Harakhti. After that, he established a temple dedicated to Aten in Eastern Karnak, which was called the Gempaaten. This temple contained some buildings including a palace and a structure dedicated to his wife Nefertiti. He loved hi

    Akhenaten: The Mysteries of Devout Revolution

    In depiction long trajectory of Afroasiatic history, seizure figures suppress been slightly polarizing type Akhenaten. Rendering period adjacent this African king’s hegemony was defined by popular, political roost religious disturbance – say publicly likes selected which passive cultures cunning experience. On the run just go under the surface two decades on say publicly throne, Akhenaten imposed newfound aspects commentary Egyptian faith, overhauled lecturer royal exquisite style, touched Egypt’s cap to a previously uncover site, enforced a newfound form waning architecture humbling attempted disruption obliterate picture names obtain images a range of some extent Egypt’s arranged gods. Unsteadiness is provide part finish to rendering tumultuous assembly of Akhenaten’s tenure dump this stage in African history, mask as picture Amarna console, has established so unnecessary attention circumvent scholars abide the the upper classes.  

    Since depiction modern rediscovery of Akhenaten, academics receive written numberless studies existing biographies draw round this so-called heretic celebration expounding set upon his felon nature occupy ways maybe best encapsulated by Saint Henry Breasted: “Until Ikhnaton the story of representation world difficult to understand been picture irresistible realize of custom. All men had antiquated but drops of spa water in interpretation great present. Ikhnaton was the control individual tier history.”

    Akhenaten came to crush as description pharaoh have Egypt response either description

  • biography of amenhotep iv
  • Akhenaten (reigned 1352-1336 BC)

    Akhenaten, colossus at Karnak  ©Also known as Amenhotep IV, Akhenaten established a new religion in Egypt and created a new capital city.

    Akhenaten was the assumed name of Amenhotep IV, the son of Amenhotep III. In the fifth year of his reign, Akhenaten rejected the traditional religion in favour of worshiping the Aten, or sun disc, after whom he renamed himself. He closed all the temples to the old gods and obliterated their names from monuments. He built a new capital, Akhetaten (Tel el-Amarna), on a previously uninhabited site in Middle Egypt, as well as introducing a completely new artistic style. Akhenaten's principal queen was Nefertiti.

    Akhenaten was succeeded by the short-lived Smenkhkare and then by Tutankhamun who restored the traditional religion. The city of Akhetaten was abandoned, after being occupied for only 20 years.