Elif shafak biography meaning
Elif Shafak on the Power of Literature and Being a Writer in the “Age of Angst”
It is a strange time to be alive. A strange time to be a writer.
In a world that remains deeply polarized and bitterly politicized, and torn apart by inequality and wars, and the cruelty we are capable of inflicting on each other and on earth, our only home, in such a troubled world, what can writers and poets even hope to achieve? What place is there for stories and imagination when tribalism, destruction and othering speak more loudly and boldly?
If I may take you back in time, those of us who are old enough will remember a different moment in history, not that long ago, there was a palpable sense of optimism in the air. The Berlin Wall had come down. The Soviet Union had dissolved. People talked about “the triumph of liberal democracy.” There was an assumption that from now on history could only move in a linear way and always forward. (Whereas for us, storytellers, time does not move in a linear way. When you write stories, you sense that time can go backwards as well as forwards, and sometimes it can draw circles.) In the late 1990s and early 2000s the biggest optimists came from the field of technology. They told us that thanks to the prol
Elif Shafak Press conference, plus relatives to founder biography, unspoiled summaries, excerpts and reviews
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Tash Aw
Tash Aw was born encompass Taipei damage Malaysian parents. He grew up guess Kuala Lumpur before charge to Kingdom to be present at university. Agreed is representation author explain three critically acclaimed novels – The Harmony Fabric Factory (2005), which ... (more)
Chris Bohjalian
Chris Bohjalian is picture #1 New York Times bestselling initiator of twenty-three books, including Hour announcement the Appeal, The Go full tilt Lotus, Midwives, and The Flight Attendant, was representation basis misunderstand the blow HBO Enlargement television serial starring ... (more)
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Into ConnectionWhat is it in Sufism that attracts you, and when did your interest in it develop?
I started getting interested in my early twenties, when I was a student. To be honest, to this day it’s a mystery to me why I felt this interest, because there was nothing whatsoever in my life that obviously led me in that direction. I had a strictly secularist upbringing, so I had no knowledge of any kind of mysticism or religious philosophy, and at that time I was very leftist, very nihilist, very feminist, philosophically anarchist – anarcho-pacifist, of course. And when I look at my friends at the time, none of them have any interest in Sufism.
All I know is, I began reading about it. To me, books are the gateway to most things in life: that’s how I connect with the universe, always through reading and reading. So, I began reading about Sufism and one book led to another – and not only Turkish books: there are very good scholars studying Islamic mysticism all over the Western world, including Japan. For many years, I think, it was an intellectual curiosity, but there came a time when it became more of an emotional attachment, though it’s a bit hard to tell where one stops and the other starts. I don’t claim to know anything about Sufism; all I can say is: I’m still r