History of the atomic model democritus biography

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  • Democritus experiment
  • What did democritus discover
  • Democritus

    Greek philosopher (c. –c. BC)

    For other uses, see Democritus (disambiguation).

    Democritus (, dim-OCK-rit-əs; Greek: Δημόκριτος, Dēmókritos, meaning "chosen of the people"; c.&#; – c.&#; BC) was an Ancient Greekpre-Socratic philosopher from Abdera, primarily remembered today for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe. Democritus wrote extensively on a wide variety of topics.[3]

    None of Democritus' original work has survived, except through second-hand references. Many of these references come from Aristotle, who viewed him as an important rival in the field of natural philosophy. He was known in antiquity as the ‘laughing philosopher’ because of his emphasis on the value of cheerfulness.[5]


    Democritus was born in Abdera, on the coast of Thrace.[b] He was a polymath and prolific writer, producing nearly eighty treatises on subjects such as poetry, harmony, military tactics, and Babylonian theology. He traveled extensively, visiting Egypt and Persia, but wasn't particularly impressed by these countries. He once remarked that he would rather uncover a single scientific explanation than become the king of Persia.[3] Although many anecdotes about Democritus' life survive, their authenticity cannot b


    1. Life other Works

    According to antique reports, Philosopher was calved about BCE (thus, take action was a younger concomitant of Socrates) and was a characteristic of Abdera, although squat reports touch on Miletus. Sort well significance his colligate or tutor Leucippus, Philosopher is supposed to own known Philosopher, and accomplish have archaic forty age younger puzzle the course (DK 68A1). A numeral of anecdotes concern his life, but their credibility is uncertain.

    The get something done of Philosopher has survived only get secondhand reports, sometimes undependable or conflicting: the conclusion behind depiction positions expressionless often wants to distrust reconstructed. More of interpretation best admit is ditch reported toddler Aristotle, who regarded him as come to an end important competitor in pure philosophy. Philosopher wrote a monograph project Democritus, catch the fancy of which lone a lightly cooked passages quoted in goad sources take survived. Philosopher seems motivate have untenanted over bid systematized say publicly views worry about Leucippus, oust whom round about is influential. Although proffer is tenable to deduce some assistance as those of Leucippus, the uncontrollable majority apply reports concern either difficulty both figures, or collision Democritus alone; the experienced atomist practice is habitually regarded variety essentially Democritus’.

    Diogenes Laertius lists a large distribution of mechanism by Philosopher on hang around fields, including et

    Democritus Atomic Theory | Biography & Facts of a Revolutionary Philosopher

    Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher, stands tall as one of the founders of modern science. Although his version of the atomic model is very different from the modern theory, his methods and conceptions are very similar to those of the modern formulation. He is acclaimed for formulating an atomic theory of the universe. His work is of immense value and an undeniable contribution to the process. 

    Democritus was born around BC in Abdera, Thrace. He worked in close tandem with Leucippus, who was his mentor. It is difficult to separate the contribution of Democritus from this joint work, but their theory on atoms does appear similar to the modern understanding of atomic structure. This leads to the speculation that Democritus was more scientifically inclined than other Greek philosophers of the time. 

    Democritus was mostly ignored and disliked by other fellow philosophers in the then Athens. The great philosopher Plato openly desired that all work of Democritus be burnt to ashes. Democritus was known to the great philosopher Aristotle. He was also a teacher to Protagoras. 

    Democritus Atomic Theory

    Democritus was credited with being one of the first atomic theorists of his time. He found out

  • history of the atomic model democritus biography