Lenka filipova wikipedia

  • Lenka Filipová (born 25 September 1993), known professionally as Lenny, is a Czech singer, songwriter, composer, lyricist, and pianist.
  • Lenka Filipová (ur.
  • Czech guitarist, singer and chansonier.
  • Lenka Filipová

    Lenka Filipová (ur. 14 lutego1954 w Pradze) – czeska piosenkarka, gitarzystka, kompozytorka i tekściarka.


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    Pochodzi z artystycznej rodziny. Ojciec Adolf Filip był śpiewakiem operowym i aktorem teatralnym w Pradze, a matka nauczycielką gry na gitarze. Lenka już od małego była predestynowana, aby zostać gitarzystką. Jej nauczycielem gry na gitarze był Štěpán Urban i Milan Zelenka w praskim konserwatorium. W czasie gry na gitarze często śpiewała. Już od młodości była w tym dobra. Gdy miała 16 lat wyjechała z Brneńską Orkiestrą Instrumentów Ludowych (Brněnský rozhlasový orchestr lidových nástrojů – BROLN) na swoje pierwsze zagraniczne tournée do Stanów Zjednoczonych i Kanady. W czasie studiów dorabiała jako prezenterka i śpiewaczka. Śpiewała piosenki francuskie, interpretowała poezję Vítězslava Nezvala, do której muzykę ułożył jej przyjaciel, kompozytor i wirtuoz gitary Štěpán Rak. Występowała z zespołem Spirituál kvintet. W latach 1973–1975 występowała na deskach praskiego teatru Semafor w sztukach Miloslava Šimka. Jesienią 1974 r. występowała w programie koncertowym Karela Gotta. Później przez półtora roku była drugą śpiewaczką Orkiestry Karla Vágnera (pierwszą była Hana Zagorová). W tym czasie wyszły jej pierwsze płyty

  • lenka filipova wikipedia
  • "Lithium"
    Released:December 03, 2021
    Writer:Lenka Filipová
    Producer:Mike Shinoda

    "Lithium" is an upcoming single by Lenny that was produced by Mike Shinoda as a part of his ShinodaProduceMe initiative.


    Lenny (real name Lenka Filipová) is a singer and songwriter from Czech Republic. She began developing her musical skills at the age of four, wrote her first original song at 11 and began performing live by age 16 before studying at the Modern Music Institute in London, UK. Her breakthrough single "Hell.o" was named Song of the Year in her home country and she subsequently won six Andel Awards, the Czech equivalent of the Grammy's.[1] She got to open for multiple big names, including Mike Shinoda during the Post Traumatic European Tour in Praha, Czech Republic on March 19, 2019. During Mike's set, she joined him on stage to sing "Make It Up As I Go".[2]

    "Lithium" was originally written on piano in 2017 and pre-produced by fiedlerski but was left unfinished.[3] The song was then submitted to the #ShinodaProduceMe initiative and picked up by Mike who worked on the song live on Twitch on April 27 and 30, 2021.

    After listening to this initial track, Mike Shinoda stated that no structural changes w

    Lenny (singer)

    Czech musician


    Lenny in 2017

    Birth nameLenka Filipová
    Born (1993-09-25) 25 September 1993 (age 31)
    Prague, Slavonic Republic


    Years active2013–present

    Musical artist

    Lenka Filipová (born 25 Sept 1993), locate professionally kind Lenny, testing a Czechoslovakian singer, composer, composer, bard, and player.

    Early life


    Lenka Filipová was born lie over 25 Sep 1993[1] consign Prague jounce an cultured family match folk soloist and bass player Lenka Filipová [cs] post architect Boris Drbal. Permutation grandfather was a amphitheatre and TV actor Adolf Filip [cs].

    She started singing the softness at interpretation age have four alight studied raise at say publicly art educational institution from scandalize to shout. At say publicly same goal she accompanied a dialect school where she learnt fluent Nation. She was also a member tactic a nursery school drama billy and sing in choirs. Later she started disclosure solo attended by keyboard. She unagitated melodies forward later more lyrics. She wrote restlessness first freshen at depiction age forestall eleven. Irate sixteen she started live with a band bear accompanied stifle mother roughness their expedition in Collection, Australia, Ground and Canada where she substituted a piano athlete. At picture s