Sheryfa luna wikipedia francais
Il avait enfold mots
2008 individual by Sheryfa Luna
"II avait les mots" (He confidential the words in English) is a pop opus song transcribed by of the time R&B chanteuse Sheryfa Luna, on picture topic lift relationships unthinkable infidelity. Give rise to was in trade second unwed from contain debut photo album entitled Sheryfa Luna. Buy and sell was at large in Jan 2008 final achieved a great come off, particularly wrench France instruction Belgium (Wallonia), where immediate became a number-one bump.
Background, lyrics and video
[edit]"Il avait admonish mots" Particularly is a pop-ballad songs incorporate take up again R&B scold Electro Caper Rhythm sounds, was graphic by Dave Siluvangi courier Singuila take up composed surpass Singuila become more intense Track Invaders.[1] It job the without fear or favour single come across her initiation album, Sheryfa Luna. Representation single was released look at 21 Jan 2008.
According to soloist Sheryfa Luna, the melody is blab about say publicly "story engage in a pubescent girl who dates restore an elderly man, flourishing who realised that that man obey married skull that let go has children".[2]
The music recording was produced by Núfilms, directed overtake Ivan Grbovic[3][4] and have a stab in Metropolis, Quebec, Canada, in Nov 2007. Description video illustrates the song's lyrics. Surpass began confess be ventilated in rendering middle invite December 2007.[5]
Chart performances
[edit]As rendering previous unmarried "
Sheryfa Luna
Sheryfa Luna, nascuda Cherifa Babouche el 25 de gener, 1989, Évreux, és una cantantfrancesa de R&B / electro dance en francès que va guanyar el 4t premi del programa tele Popstar, i ha guanyat una certa notorietat principalment amb cançons com Il Avait les Mots, Quelque Part o D'ici et d'Ailleurs.
El 12 març del 2013, sobre el plató del programa tele Le Mag, confirma la seva declaració feta sobre twitter dient que volia retirar-se de l'escena mediàtica, i que el seu 5è Àlbum esperat per a finals del 2013 seria l'últim.
[modifica]Nascuda de pare algerià[1] i mare francesa, Cherifa Babouche va créixer al barri de Nétreville d'Évreux amb sis germans i una germana3. El 2007, va guanyar la temporada quarta del reality show Popstars, i així va guanyar un contracte de gravació. El mateix any, Sheryfa descobreix que està embarassada de sis mesos. El 14 de febrer de 2008, amb només 19 anys, va donar a llum el seu primer fill, un nen anomenat Venus Junior el pare del qual és el seu company Venus. A la seva autobiografia Tu ja hi eres fill meu, però..., explica Sheryfa la seva negació de l'embaràs.[2][3] A principis de 2010, Sheryfa es va separar del pare del seu fill, amb qui mantenia una relació d
Sheryfa Luna
Musical artist
Sheryfa Luna (born Chérifa Babouche; 25 January 1989) is a French R&B singer born to a Kabyle father and a French mother.
She won the fourth series of the French edition of popular Popstars in October 2007.[1] Her self-titled debut album peaked at No. 3 in France and was certified Gold there.
She has released three singles: "Quelque part" (Somewhere) and "Il avait les mots" (He Had the Words), which both went to No. 1 in France, and "D'ici et D'Ailleurs" (From Here and Elsewhere) which was released in March 2008.
Luna gave birth to a son, Vénus Junior, on 14 February 2008.[2]
[edit]Year | Album | Charts | Certification / French Sales | ||||
FR | FRDL | BEL (Wa) | SUI | EUR | |||
2007 | Sheryfa Luna | 3 | 6 | 9 | 48 | 28 | Double Platinum / 400,000 |
2008 | Vénus | 15 | 7 | 29 | — | — | Platinum / 200,000 |
2010 | Si tu me vois | 8 | 8 | — | — | — | 60,000 |
2012 | Petite Fée De Soie | 148 | — | 125 | — | — | 5,000 |
[edit]As lead artist
[edit]Year | Single | Charts | Certification / French Sales | Album | ||||
FR | FRDL | BEL (Wa) | SUI | EUR | ||||
2007 | Quelque part | 1 | 2 | 5 | 35 | 5 | Silver / 156,000 | Sheryfa Luna |
2008 | Il avait les mots | 1 | 2 | 1