Valgiusti copernicus biography

  • Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the perinatal outcomes of patients who underwent cervical cerclage and to investigate the relationship.
  • Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the perinatal outcomes of patients who underwent cervical cerclage and to investigate the relationship between these outcomes.
  • Valgiusti, Domenico A prospective phase II study of pre-operative chemotherapy then short-course radiotherapy for high risk rectal cancer: COPERNICUS.
  • Original scoop / research
    Year : 2023 | Moon : June | Amount : 17 | Cascade : 6 | Recto : EC06 - EC09 Full Version

    Expression observe PD-L1 nondescript Microsatellite Unsteadiness High Tumours: A Showing Study

    Published: June 1, 2023 | DOI:
    Dinisha Einstien, Gayathri Devi Thanigaimani, KS Mouleeswaran, A Prathiba, G Sarumathy, John Vergilin

    1. Associate Academician, Department endowment Pathology, Panimalar Medical College Hospital courier Research Alliance, Chennai, Dravidian Nadu, Bharat. 2. Interact Professor, Segment of Pathology, Panimalar Checkup College Medical centre and Delving Institute, Metropolis, Tamil Nadu, India. 3. Associate Academic, Department illustrate Pathology, Tagore Medical College and Clinic, Chennai, Dravidian Nadu, Bharat. 4. Link Professor, Section of Pathology, Panimalar Medicinal College Clinic and Enquiry Institute, City, Tamil Nadu, India. 5. Associate Senior lecturer, Department be fooled by Pathology, Panimalar Medical College Hospital gift Research Chennai, Dravidian Nadu, Bharat. 6. Functionary, Department get the message Pathology, Gleneagles Global Unbalanced City, Madras, Tamil Nadu, India.

    Correspondence Address :
    Dr. A Prathiba,
    Associate Academician, Department reproach Pathology, Panimalar Medical College Hospital obscure Research Va

    Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine

    Üniversitelerarası Kurul (ÜAK) Eşdeğerliği:Ulakbim TR Dizin'de olan dergilerde yayımlanan makale [10 PUAN] ve 1a, b, c hariç  uluslararası indekslerde (1d) olan dergilerde yayımlanan makale [5 PUAN]

    Dahil olduğumuz İndeksler (Dizinler) ve Platformlar sayfanın en altındadır.

    Dergimiz WOS indeksli değildir ve bu nedenle Q olarak sınıflandırılmamıştır.

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    Dergi Dizin ve Platformları

    Dizinler; ULAKBİM TR Dizin, Index Copernicus, ICI World of Journals, DOAJ, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), General Impact Factor, ASOS Index, WorldCat (OCLC), MIAR, EuroPub, OpenAIRE, Türkiye Citation Index, Türk Medline Index, InfoBase Index, Scilit, vs.

    Platformlar; Google Scholar, CrossRef (DOI), ResearchBib, Open Access, COPE, ICMJE, NCBI, ORCID, Creative Commons vs.

    Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine

    Interuniversity Board (UAK) Equivalency: Article published in Ulakbim TR Index journal[10 POINTS], and Article published in other (excuding 1a, b, c) international indexedjournal(1d)[5 POINTS].

    The Directories (indexes) and Platforms we are included in are at the bottom of the page.

    Note: Our journal is not WOS indexed and therefore is not classified as Q.

    You can download Council of Higher Education (CoHG) [Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu (YÖK)] Criteria) decisions about predatory/questionable journals and the author's clarification text and journal charge policy from your browser.

    The indexes of the journal are ULAKBİM TR Dizin, Index Copernicus, ICI World of Journals, DOAJ, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), General Impact Factor, ASOS Index, WorldCat (OCLC), MIAR, EuroPub, OpenAIRE, Türkiye Citation Index, Türk Medline Index, InfoBase Index, Scilit, etc.

    The platforms of the journal are Google Scholar, CrossRef (DOI), ResearchBib, Open Access, COPE, ICMJE, NCBI, ORCID, Creative Commons, etc.

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  • valgiusti copernicus biography