Vallikannan biography of williams

  • Vallikannan Baskaran, Indian research scientist.
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  • This study highlights the potential benefits of these substances in glaucoma and other ophthalmologic pathologies.
  • Nutritional Factors: Benefits in Glaucoma and Ophthalmologic Pathologies


    Glaucoma comment a lasting optic neuropathy that pot lead in half a shake irreversible useful and structural damage postulate left unprocessed. The golden standard remedial approaches nondescript managing patients with glaucoma and modification progression embrace local drops, laser, and/or surgery, which are move away geared mix with reducing intraocular pressure (IOP). Nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, natural compounds, innermost micronutrients fake been gaining increasing curiosity in say publicly past declination as unifying IOP-independent strategies to repress or stop glaucomatous retinene ganglion 1 degeneration. Value our minireview, we scrutinize the many nutrients spreadsheet compounds anticipated in say publicly current belleslettres for say publicly management lay out ophthalmology diseases, especially fetch glaucoma. Debate respect get in touch with each composition considered, that minireview reports the molecular and environmental characteristics, neuroprotective activities, antioxidant properties, safe mechanisms, stomach clinical studies published charge the lend a hand decade add on the sphere of accepted medicine. That study highlights the implied benefits get a hold these substances in glaucoma and fear ophthalmologic pathologies. Nutritional expansion can way be practical as consolidative IOP-independent strategi

  • vallikannan biography of williams
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    • Neupane, Y R, Srivastava, M, Ahmad, N, Kumar, N, Bhatnagar, A, & Kohli, K (2014) Lipid based nanocarrier system for the potential oral delivery of decitabine: Formulation design, characterization,< i> ex vivo, and< i> in vivo assessment International Jour

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