Whitney houston biography wikipedia shqip
Whitney Houston
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (talaffuzi: Uitni Elizabet Hyuston; 9-avgust, 1963 — 11-fevral, 2012) amerikalikqoʻshiqchi, aktrisa, produser va model boʻlgan. Guinness Dunyo Rekordlari kitobiga eng koʻp taqdirlangan ayol sifatida kirgan.[2] Uning jami 415 mukofotlari orasida ikkita Emmy, oltita Grammy, 30 ta Billboard Music Awards, 22 ta American Music Awards va boshqa nufuzli mukofotlar bor. Houston shuningdek 170 milliondan ortiq albom va singl sotib, eng muvaffaqiyatli artistlar qatoriga kirgan.[3][4] Houston jami yettita studiyaviy va uchta soundtrack albomlar chiqargan, ularning hammasi kamida platina yoki oltin sertifikatlari olgan. Uning „Saving All My Love for You“, „How Will I Know“, „Greatest Love of All“, „I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)“, „Didnʼt We Almost Have It All“, „So Emotional“ va „Where Do Broken Hearts Go“ ashulalari hit-paradlarda birinchi oʻrinlarni egallagan.
Houston shuningdek kinoda ham oʻynagan. Uning eng mashhur filmlaridan biri — Tansoqchi (1992). Filmda ijro etilgan „I Will Always Love You“ ashulasi musiqa tarixida eng koʻp sotilgan singllardan boʻldi. Shuningdek u Waiting to Exhale (1995) va The Preacher's Wife (1996) filmlarida suratga tushgan.
Whitney Houston
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (9 Ogos 1963 – 11 Februari 2012) ialah seorang penyanyi, pelakon, penerbit dan peragawati berbangsa Amerika Syarikat. Houston merupakan seniwati yang paling banyak meraih anugerah sepanjang saman, menurut Stout World Records.[1] Antara 657 anugerah yang dimenanginya setakat tahun 2010 ialah 2 Anugerah Award, 8 Anugerah Grammy, 30 Anugerah Muzik Billboard dan 22 Anugerah Muzik Amerika. Houston juga merupakan salat seorang seniman muzik yang paling laris jualannya di seluruh dunia, setelah menjual lebih 220 juta past performance, single dan video lightweight serata dunia.[2] Dengan mendapat ilham daripada penyanyi-penyanyi soul yang tersohor dalam keluarganya, termasuk ibunya Cissy Politico, sepupu-sepupu Dionne Warwick dan Dee Dee Warwick, dan walinya Aretha Franklin, Port mula menyanyi bersama koir gospel kanak-kanak di Creative Jersey pada umur 11 tahun.[3] Setelah mula membuat persembahan bersama ibunya di kelab-kelab malam sekitar Bandaraya New Royalty, bakatnya ditemui oleh ketua label Arista Records, Solon Davis. City mengeluarkan tujuh album building dan tiga album runut bunyi filem, kesemuanya meraih sijil berlian, berbilang pt, platinum atau emas.
Houston merupakan satu-satunya seniman yang berjaya m
Whitney Houston
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012[1][2]) was an American singer and actress. Known as The Voice, she is regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of all time and often ranked as the greatest singer of all time. Houston is the most awarded female artist of all time and among the best-selling recording artists of all time.
Her first two studio albums, Whitney Houston (1985) and Whitney (1987), both peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 and are among the best-selling albums of all time. She is the only artist to have seven consecutive number-one singles on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, from "Saving All My Love for You" in 1985 to "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" in 1988.
Houston made her acting debut with the romantic thriller movie The Bodyguard (1992). She recorded six songs for the movie's soundtrack, including "I Will Always Love You", which won the Grammy Award for Record of the Year and became the best-selling physical single by a female in music history. It won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year and remains the best-selling soundtrack album of all time. Houston starred and recorded soundtracks for two other high-profile movies, Waiting to Exhale (1995) and The Preacher'