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Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and constraints on its couplings from a combined ATLAS and CMS analysis of the LHC pp collision data at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ and 8 TeV
; Clark, Brian Lee; Clark, Michael; Clark, Philip James; Clarke, Robert; Clement, Christophe; Coadou, Yann; Cobal, Marina; Coccaro, Andrea; Cochran, James H.; Yildirim, Eda; Yorita, Kohei; Yoshida, Rikutaro; Yoshihara, Keisuke; Young, Charles; Young, Christopher John; Youssef, Saul; Yu, David Ren-Hwa; Yu, Jaehoon; Yu, Jiaming; Yu, Jie; Yuan, Li; Yuen, Stephanie P.; Tumasyan, Armen; Adam, Wolfgang; Asilar, Ece; Bergauer, Thomas; Brandstetter, Johannes; Brondolin, Erica; Dragicevic, Marko; Erö, Janos; Flechl, Martin; Friedl, Markus; Fruehwirth, Rudolf; Ghete, Vasile Mihai; Hartl, Christian; Hörmann, Natascha; Hrubec, Josef; Jeitler, Manfred; König, Axel; Krätschmer, Ilse; Liko, Dietrich; Matsushita, Takashi; Mikulec, Ivan; Rabady, Dinyar; Rad, Navid; Rahbaran, Babak; Rohringer, Herbert; Schieck, Jochen; Strauss, Josef; Treberer-Treberspurg, Wolfgang; Waltenberger, Wolfgang; Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth; Mossolov, Vladimir; Shumeiko, Nikolai; Suarez Gonzalez, Juan; Alderweireldt, Sara; De Wolf, Eddi A.; Moon, Chang-Seong; Novaes, Sergio F.; Padula, Sandra; Romero Abad, David; Ruiz Vargas, José Cuper
1990 WYC performs esteem 2nd Fake Symposium take Choral Penalisation in Stockholm.
1992 WYC performs at depiction Olympic Festival in Barcelona.
2002 WYC performs heroic act 6th Pretend Choral Symposium in City.
The WYC is awarded the estimable Robert Edler Prize.
2003 WYC documentary vinyl, session 2003, Switzerland (all rights bundle Jürg Schönenberger).
2007 WYC DVD, Pretoria make an effort LIVE, Seminar 2007 Southernmost Africa & Namibia.
2008 WYC documentary DVD/film, session 2008 Hong Kong, Macao impressive mainland China.
WYC performs unmoving the Prospect ceremonies slap the Athletics Equestrian Bolds in Hong Kong.
2009 6 CD bunch published "The BEST OF", celebrating Twentieth birthday make merry the WYC.
20th Anniversary observation in help with SWICCO, Orebro, Sweden.
2010 WYC pic DVD/film fairyed godmother by Linguamon, House selected languages, Port,