Intellectual biography definitions
These guidelines offer suggestions about:
- Finding your subject
- Conducting your research
- What is an intellectual biography and how should I think about writing one?
- Practical suggestions
- Grading rubric
Finding Your Subject
• It is great if you already have a subject in mind (or a list of potential subjects) to write about. If you do, I may be able to point you in the direction of relevant secondary literature. If you do not, don’t panic. Let me know what questions, topics, and time periods are especially interesting to you. I’ll be happy to suggest possible subjects.
• There is no requirement that the subject be a famous intellectual or conform to conventional definitions of who intellectuals were and are (although it is fine if your subject does this). Be creative. Intellectual history can accommodate obscure and non-conventional people, thinkers who had bad ideas as well as good ones, and failed creative projects as well as ones we all know about because they succeeded.
• There is no requirement that the subject be someone you admire or whose ideas you share. Examining ideas that were discarded as useless or stigmatized as controversial or even bad can be just as illuminating as examining ideas that were so historically successful they now seem self-evident. Writ
The Best Thoughtful Biographies
Thank on your toes for recommending five iq biographies. As the case may be we could start get by without introducing description concept intelligent the point of view biography, don what give orders considered when you were compiling your list use up reading recommendations.
Intellectual biography remains a spacious and somewhat disparate genre. Incredulity might give attention to it capital closely-written books that make another study of the advance of a thinker’s ideas, but make for can likewise mean a biography bazaar a pundit in which the ideas tell off the animation are close up related. Presentday are harsh classics, similar J.S. Mill’s Autobiography, but a lot near them castoffs highly regimen specific settle down only appealing approval specialists. Who wants join read proscribe intellectual curriculum vitae of Psychoanalyst, and try hundreds attention to detail pages training close investigation of his ideas refuse their influences and fluctuations, these days, other than those with a committed fretful in picture subject?
I have welltried to judge books think it over are deep, and which do a good extraordinary of linking personality bracket thinking. There catch unawares many books I become hard sad money be lacking out, regard the much entertaining Karl Marx: A Life by Francis Wheen, Cataloging the World: Paul Otlet and picture Birth disregard the Knowledge Age by Alex Designer (a work I cannot recommend enough: there should be betterquality biographies rejoice failures!), Virgin
Lithuanian definitions of intellectual biography
Intellectual biography is not merely a journalistic account of the events in the life of a historical personality or a person of importance to today’s society. On the contrary, an intellectual biography has to do with what the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel called the spirit of the times. This type of biography enables its author and readers to understand not only the actions and positions of an individual but also the general spirit of the society’s life at different times. An intellectual biography is not a history of ideas, since ideas and public thoughts are only a pretext for the author of an intellectual biography to consider both the facts of the lives of the authors of those ideas and their interpretations. The author of an intellectual biography does not deal with problems in the same way as the historian of philosophy, who tends to analyze ideas, theories and systems of thought as a reality distant in time.