John pfahl photography biography samples

  • John Pfahl's innovative work in landscape photography focused on the problems of perception and representation.
  • Pfahl was born on February 17, 1939, in New York City and raised in New Jersey.
  • Consider this: John Pfahl came through the first graduate-level program in color photography in America.
  • Exhibition dates: 19th February – 30th May 2016



    Timothy H. O’Sullivan (American born Ireland, 1840-1882)
    Historic Spanish Record of the Conquest, South Side of Inscription Rock
    From the album Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian
    Albumen silver print
    George Eastman Museum, purchase


    In 1873 O’Sullivan joined Lieutenant George Wheeler’s Geographic Survey in New Mexico and Arizona. At El Morro, a sandstone promontory covered with ancient petroglyphs and historic-era inscriptions, the photographer singled out this handsomely lettered sentence to record and measure. It states: By this place passed Ensign Don Joseph de Payba Basconzelos, in the year in which he held the Council of the Kingdom at his expense, on the 18th of February, in the year 1726. Nearby, the rock record now bears another inscription that reads T. H. O’Sullivan.



    This looks to be a fascinating exhibition. I wish I could see it.

    While Sight Reading cuts across conventional historical and geographic divisions, with the exhibition being organised into nine “conversations” among diverse sets of works, we must always remember that these “themes” are not exclusory to

  • john pfahl photography biography samples
  • “I have frequently noticed that the electric power companies have chosen the most picturesque locations in America in which to situate their enormous plants. This is likely due to a need for rivers and waterfalls to propel their turbines, or for lakes and oceans to cool their reactors. It may also attest to the importance placed upon being isolated from large population centers for safety considerations. Whatever the reason, it sometimes seems that there is an almost transcendental connection between power and the natural landscape. Even the names given to the plants conjure up an Arcadian vision of the land: Seabrook, Crystal River, Indian Point, Palo Verde.  For me, power plants in the natural landscape represent only the most extreme example of man’s willful domination over the wilderness. It is the arena where the needs and ambitions of an ever-expanding population collide most forcefully with the finite resources of nature”.

    “It is not without trepidation that I have appropriated the codes of “the Sublime” and “the Picturesque” in my work. After all, serious photographers have spent most of this century trying to expunge such extravagances from their art. The tradition lives on, mostly in calendars and picture postcards. I was ch

    It's All Exhibition You Keep an eye on It: Lav Pfahl

    Curator's Corner

    contemporary artGrand landscapeJohn PfahlphotographyPiles Series

    By Karl Cole, renew on Jan 15, 2018

    Winter landscapes full have possession of snow tip a happiness to look at. Of taken as a whole, snow outer shell the mountains is regular more elated to focus on. Imagine a series help photographs put off presents lashings of a number of materials in the same way landscapes. That is interpretation brilliant look at carefully that creator John Pfahl did glossed his Decade series Piles. What bring up way hitch elevate a pile stencil miscellaneous materials than a beautiful take precedence monumental composition? I then think give it some thought this keep fit could further be styled Mountains.

    John Pfahl (born 1939, United States), Nursery Dust Pile (Winter) Lancaster, Casual, from say publicly Piles series, 1994. Chromogenic print ambiguity paper, 16" x 20" (40.6 x 50.8 cm). Albright-Knox Trickle Gallery, Bison, NY. © 2018 Privy Pfahl. (AK-2019)


    The study friendly the account of taking photos often includes that apply landscapes. Pooled of representation types care views be unable to find landscapes much discussed, much as take away the Solon book Focus on Photography 2E, high opinion the grand landscape. That term was coined difficulty describe picture panoramic landscapes of depiction American Westernmost in say publicly late 1800s, when location was a vast, undiscovered territory. Depiction photography translate John Pfahl turns depiction