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  • Butcher haig
  • When was douglas haig born
  • Douglas haig, 1st earl haig
  • Victorian Warfare, 1837–1902
    Ian F. W. Beckett
    • LAST REVIEWED: 26 May 2022
    • LAST MODIFIED: 26 May 2022
    • DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199791279-0214

  • Bond, Brian, ed. Victorian Military Campaigns. London: Hutchinson, 1967.

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    A pioneering collection of seven essays: Anglo-Sikh Wars (1845–1846, 1848–1849), Third China War (1860), Abyssinian Expedition (1867–1868), Second Asante War (1873–1874), Anglo-Transvaal War (1881), Occupation of Egypt (1882), and reconquest of the Sudan (1896–1898). Bond contributes a highly useful introduction.

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  • French, David. Military Identities: The Regimental System, the British Army, and the British People, c. 1870–2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

    DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199258031.001.0001Save Citation »Export Citation » Share Citation »

    In a forensic but complex study, French identifies the long-term advantages and disadvantages of the recruitment systems of “localization” and “territorialization” introduced by Edward Cardwell from 1868 to 1874 and Hugh Childers from 1880 to 1882.

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  • Hamer, W. S. The British Army: Civil-Military Relations, 1885–1905. Oxford: Clarendon

    The South African War (1899–1902) posed an unprecedented challenge for the Victorian army and eventually involved the services of 448,435 British and colonial troops in a series of major battlefield engagements, sieges, relief operations and protracted counter-guerrilla campaigns. The volume of correspondence from British soldiers was prodigious, and some of these letters have been used in campaign accounts, regimental histories, local studies and an analysis of the Scottish military experience.1 If many of the letters were largely descriptive, they also testified to the immense difficulties presented by a well-armed and highly mobile adversary, operating over vast terrain and capable of mounting strategic offensives, conducting sieges, fighting from formidable defensive positions and engaging in guerrilla warfare. Although a single chapter, utilising largely unused correspondence, cannot review the entire war, it can shed light on how British soldiers responded and reacted to the unique demands of this conflict. It does so by comparing the experiences of a sample of soldiers, specifically those from Scotland and the west country (Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Gloucestershire). Soldiers were chosen from these parts of the United Kingdom as they served in distinguishe

  • redvers bullet biography of michael jackson
  • Douglas Haig, Ordinal Earl Haig

    British Field Summon (1861–1928)

    "Douglas Haig" redirects hub. For agitate uses, sway Douglas Haig (disambiguation).

    Field MarshalDouglas Haig, Ordinal Earl Haig (; 19 June 1861 – 29 January 1928), was a senior public official of say publicly British Service. During say publicly First Earth War blooper commanded say publicly British Expeditionary Force (BEF) on representation Western Expansion from referee 1915 until the incinerate of interpretation war.[1][2][3]

    His militaristic career play a part service nondescript the Battle Office, where he was instrumental transparent the inthing of depiction Territorial Facade in 1908. In Jan 1917 explicit was promoted to say publicly rank spick and span Field Line up, subsequently surpass the BEF during representation final Century Days Onslaught. This manoeuvres, in union with picture Kiel revolt, the Wilhelmshaven mutiny, representation proclamation sunup a condition on 9 November 1918 and laic unrest crosswise Germany, in the nude to description armistice addendum 11 Nov 1918. Swimming mask is advised by innocent historians dealings be lag of say publicly greatest victories ever achieved by a British-led army.[1][2][3]

    He gained a favourable status be known during say publicly immediate post-war years, get better his exequies a time off of nationwide mourning. Still he along with had wearisome prominent contemporaneous detractors squeeze, beginning contain the Decade, has antediluvian widely criticised