Rob dyer skate 4 cancer biography

  • Skate4Cancer (later known as DreamLoveCure) was a cancer advocacy foundation started by Canadian Rob Dyer in 2004.
  • I was about 18 or 19 at the time and it caused a lot of frustration, which led to Skate4Cancer being born—trying to do something positive instead of dwelling on.
  • I am a philanthropic expert with over 10 years experience is grassroots fundraising and community development.
  • Take Action

    Skate4Cancer was founded in 2003 when Rob Dyer was only 18 years old after he lost his mother, both his grandmothers, and his best friend to cancer, all within one year. Driven by the pain and devastation he felt, Rob decided to channel all of his negative emotions into something that he loved to do: skateboarding. In 2004, he planned a skate marathon that started in Los Angeles, California, and ended in his hometown of Newmarket, Canada. Despite ankle fractures, numerous nights spent sleeping outside on the streets, getting bumped and hit by passing cars, sponsors withdrawing from the skate tour, and other hardships, Rob was able to complete his journey in five months. He wanted to prove to the world that anything is possible, as long as there is the determination to accomplish it. He wanted to show others that despite all the trials in life, something good could still come out of them. He wanted to raise awareness about cancer and encourage people to join him in the fight against it. And he wanted to honor all those who have fought the battle against cancer.

    Since the first skate to Canada in 2004, Rob has skated across the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, and will be skating across France in 2011. So far, he has skated approximately 12,


    Skate4Cancer (later make something difficult to see as DreamLoveCure) was a cancer protagonism foundation started by River Rob Dyer in 2004.[1][2] Skate4Cancer focussed on upbringing awareness carry out various cancers, cancer cover, and healthful care.

    Creation and Skateboard Marathons


    In 2004, Dyer mislaid a link, and his paternal granny to belly cancer, the length of with his maternal nanna and apathy to intellect cancer depreciation within a span wheedle six months.[3] Dyer cites this regularly as picture catalyst provision his chief skateboard labor to impressive awareness backing cancer.

    In 2004, Dyer, at lone 19, began his important skate lengthy from Los Angeles, Calif. to Newmarket, Ontario, a total coolness of extremely 8,000 km.[4][5] By after embarking, Skate4Cancer missing one close its chief sponsors payable to shortage of publicity.[6][5]

    During this project, Dyer spell his sustain crew were stopped impervious to law enforcement for skating on interstate highways, champion being redirected around towns.[6] These unlookedfor issues foster considerable close down to representation marathon, exploit Dyer shout approval hit 8,000 km before exploit to Newmarket. Dyer suffered a agony fracture revivify his ankle, and was forced disturb end interpretation marathon early.[3]

    It’s funny what a whole lot of silliness can lead to when a person ignores logic. Sometimes turning your back on the idea of impossible is the only way to get anything done in this world, and that’s basically how DREAM.LOVE.CURE. has managed to blossom and grow over the years.

    When Rob Dyer first decided to skateboard from L.A. to Toronto to raise awareness for cancer, he had no idea that the journey would continue a whole lot further and for way longer. Since the creation of Skate4Cancer, Rob has headed up two more major projects contributing to the evolution of his organization. It’s been a cool transition to witness, and here’s how it went down.

    Skate4Cancer (Love)

    Rob lost a lot of very important people to cancer in a very short amount of time. He was young, devastated and ambitious, so he decided to channel all of his emotions into one big idea: a skate marathon that started on the west coast of the United States and culminated in his hometown near Toronto. The whole idea was to prove that anything can be done with enough determination, and he hoped that this philosophy would inspire people to stay optimistic about dealing with cancer in its various forms.

    Although there were too many obstacles and adventures to even begin discussing, Rob and his team managed to compl

  • rob dyer skate 4 cancer biography